Disclaimer: This 5 Natural Remedies For Acid Reflux post and information should not replace professional advice by a qualified medical or herbal practitioner. These are natural remedies I use for my family and I have seen great results in treating acid reflux.
5 Natural Remedies For Acid Reflux
These are 5 natural remedies for acid reflux we use at home and work for us. I want to help other families with some ideas for natural remedies for this uncomfortable condition. If your family suffers from acid reflux, I highly recommend them. Remember that is a good idea to always check with your doctor first.
When my son was born with a rare birth defect called Esophageal Atresia my whole world changed. I didn’t know about this condition and what is worse, didn’t even have time to educate myself about it (my baby needed to have surgery to reconnect his esophagus right away). For the full story, you can see my post-My Story-Esophageal Atresia.
After three weeks in the NICU, we finally came home. We were also told he would probably suffer from reflux his entire life (more than half of esophageal atresia survivors battle with acid reflux).
When my son was about 6 months old is when we started to notice his reflux worsening. Spit-ups with every feed, even when he was sleeping. We inclined the bed, fed him smaller amounts, even put cereal in his milk (pediatrician’s recommendation at first, but after I researched about it, I discontinued it). It was exhausting! So I started looking into other alternatives because my son had to take anti-reflux meds (Prevacid) daily and according to the GI for life! I certainly didn’t want that for him if I could find natural alternatives.
Our experience with natural remedies for reflux
After days, weeks, and months of research, I started learning about natural remedies to improve my son’s acid reflux problems. Decided to switch from using cans and boxes to cooking from scratch using fresh ingredients. Bought a Vitamix blender to make smoothies (blends everything in seconds with a super-smooth texture) and later on an Omega juicer
. Two essential tools in our kitchen today!
When my son was about 1 year old and was able to tolerate all kinds of foods, I started giving him green smoothies. I will add natural remedies to help him with his reflux. Adding lots of raw vegetables also helps. Please see my Green Smoothie Recipe. I could see him sleeping better and spitting up less at night. When he turned 2 his reflux was less severe and improved every week! I also learned that apples and bananas help with reflux and are great for combining them with lots of veggies.
At his 2-year-old checkup, the GI didn’t want to wean him off the meds even when I told him his symptoms were improving. So I went to see his pediatric surgeon and got approval from her to try taking away the medication. I did and made sure my son was taking probiotics, and natural remedies. The acid reflux symptoms disappeared and about a month after taking him completely off Prevacid he was doing great. He is being monitored by his pediatric surgeon and so far he is meds free! A great way to get him to eat more fresh fruits and vegetables was by making ice pops. Check out my post: Great Snack Idea: Ice Pops.
My Top 5 Natural Remedies For Acid Reflux
1. Aloe Vera
Aloe is a plant used to soothe burns, heal wounds, and help with the digestive system. Aloe Vera is also anti-inflammatory and helps with acid reflux by soothing the esophagus, studies show. It contains vitamins and minerals that also are great for good digestion. I mix it with smoothies and it works great. You can easily find Aloe Vera at a health food store like Whole Foods or buy 100% pure juice.
The only major downside is that it can interact with certain diabetes medications and lead to dangerously low blood sugar, according to Healthline. It’s also not safe for pregnant women. You really should talk to your doctor before you try any home remedy if you have a medical condition or are on any medications. Even something as widely used as aloe can cause problems if you mix it with the wrong types of medications.
2. Ginger
A flowering plant that has been used for medicinal purposes for many generations, ginger is anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory. It is commonly used to treat nausea and vomiting, symptoms that are common with acid reflux. Find ginger at a health food store, grate it and add it to your smoothie blends or as a spice in meals. Ginger tea is also great for morning sickness.
A word of warning, though- don’t overdo it. Stick to less than a teaspoon a day. If you go crazy with it and use more than that, ginger can actually have the opposite effect (it’ll give you heartburn).
3. Probiotics
One of my favorite natural cures for reflux and to help boost the immune system. I love probiotics and swear by them! Did you know that an estimated 70% of our immune system resides in our gut? Probiotics help improve digestive health. My favorite probiotics are in raw form.
4. Turmeric
Used as a powerful anti-inflammatory medicine, turmeric helps reduce reflux symptoms. It is a plant in the ginger family and is used in many curry dishes. Turmeric helps with digestion and prevents acid buildup. Add a teaspoon of turmeric to your meals in powder form or buy it fresh and just grate it.
5. Extra Virgin Coconut Oil
I see a lot of people asking, “does coconut oil cause acid reflux?” Honestly, it depends on how you use it. If you’re overdoing it and eating a lot of high-fat foods in general, then yes, it could worsen your heartburn and reflux. However, if you use it in moderation, there’s absolutely no evidence that coconut oil causes acid reflux. In fact, it does quite the opposite! It cleans the bacteria out of the esophagus because extra virgin Coconut Oil is antimicrobial.
It is also one of the best fats you can eat to support your health. A tablespoon of coconut oil each day is also a great way to help with acid reflux. It will can heal the damage in the esophagus too. Incorporate it in your smoothies and use it as your cooking oil as well.
Other ways to help with reflux symptoms and keep them under control
We try to maintain a healthy diet and constantly add our natural healers to keep his digestive system under control. Our favorite homemade recipes are: Broccoli Cauliflower Nuggets and Kid Friendly Raw Pesto Sauce. I think those recipes are great ways to add more vegetables to a kid’s diet. My husband and I also changed our eating habits to set the example and as a result, we make better choices and feel great too!
We also find it best to mix the natural remedies for reflux in morning smoothies. Taking them on an empty stomach for breakfast helps a lot. Try my Anti-Reflux Healing Smoothie recipe and find more tips and tricks for your natural remedies.
Taking medications is sometimes necessary, but if you can find natural ways, then you can avoid the long-term side effects. There is some trial and error when using natural remedies to find what works best to treat your acid reflux, but in the long run, it’s well worth it. Remember each acid reflux case is different and what may work for some, may not work for others.
If you have other natural ways to help with acid reflux, I would love to know. Just leave a comment below with what works for you.
Last update on 2022-11-19 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API
Kathy Sellenriek says
Avoid hydrogenated oils such as shortening and margarine. They are prevalent in many commercial baked goods.
Creative And Healthy Fun Food says
Thank you!
Simone says
I couldn’t agree more that some trial and error may be required. However don’t give up – keep on trying things and with patience you’ll likely find a few natural remedies that work for you. It seems like ginger is the one many people I know swear by.
Creative And Healthy Fun Food says
Ginger really helped my son with his reflux!
Angela says
My daughter also has EA/TEF. I’m curious about trying to wean her off Prevacid, as well. So do you make sure your son has intake of all 5 of these things everyday or is it a variety each day? When your travelling or not at your home for few days, how do you make sure he’s getting what he needs?
Creative And Healthy Fun Food says
Hi Angela, My son’s reflux was pretty bad the first 2 years of his life. Then little by little it improved. By the time he was about 2.5 years old I took him off Prevacid completely. I was then making sure to include the natural remedies in his daily diet. Now, he is almost 6 years old and I don’t give him these remedies daily anymore. I try to keep him on a healthy diet and add the remedies often. A good probiotic helps. I give the probiotic for a month then take a few weeks break and then start again. We have a scope scheduled this year to check for reflux. He doesn’t have any symptoms but the GI wants to make sure the esophagus looks good.
clyde fred says
Yes, You can treat acid reflux with coconut oil by consuming up to three tablespoons of pure, virgin coconut oil daily.
Creative & Healthy Family says
Cc says
I am interested in additional information from this website.
Susan Hamilton says
I was actually just reading about how ground flaxseed can help with reflux too. I haven’t gotten to try it yet but I’m definitely going to try it soon! I’m not sure if you can use flaxseed oil or if it has to be real ground flaxseed, so I’m just going to use the ground kind just to be safe.
Creative Healthy Family says
I use the ground kind too.
Emily de Jesus says
Thank you so much for all this information. Such a big help. I started taking aloe vera juice few days ago, I do it first thing in the morning and my reflux did improve. I mix ginger and turmeric in my porridge and in most of my meals.. Will try the virgin coconut oil too. Hopefully I’ll get better, been suffering for 6 yrs now and its really awful.
Thank you again, will keep your son in my prayers.
Creative Healthy Family says
Thank you for your comment. So glad to know the natural remedies are working and I hope you don’t suffer from reflux anymore. My son had horrible reflux and I know how bad it can be. But these remedies really worked for him!
ANNIE says
Coconut oil best to have throughout day then in one setting? THANKS ❤️
Creative Healthy Family says
We have it only once a day in the mornings. Hope this helps.
Annie says
Thank you so much ❤
I’m putting in my smoothie 🙂
I’m using small amount and will gradually increase. How much coconut oil is one tsp enough on my smoothie? Thanks ❤
Love all the info u have so so helpful. TAKE care
Annie says
Oh by the way been only using 1/4 tsp of coconut oil in my smoothie for a week and already see imProvement wanted to start slow cause never used before 🙂 ❤️ will increase weekly the amount.
Thanks again 😊
Creative Healthy Family says
So happy to know it is working for you 🙂
Diddi says
I have been suffering from reflux due to a hiatal hernia for years. What has been my all round remedy is whole milk.
Not all whole milk is equal though, I come from Iceland where all cows are grassfed and the commonly sold milk undergoes a rather mild homogenization and pasteurization.
In other countries I often have to try several brands before finding one that works.
Milk does not completely alleviate my symptoms, though. But considering the fact that I often had searing pain that prevented me from sleep and nearly halted my day to day life… the small reflux I have now is a sweet suffering!
Creative Healthy Family says
Thank you for your comment. I totally agree with you. Not all milk is the same. So sorry you suffer from reflux, I know because of my son how awful the symptoms are.
Eefong says
Thank you for all this advice. I’m 67 years old and have been suffering from GERD for many years, but I didn’t realize it until my ENT doctor did an endoscopy to see why I kept having laryngitis. I’m so glad to hear that coconut oil is good because I thought that all oily food is bad. I actually put a teaspoon of coconut oil and a teaspoon of grass fed butter in my coffee every morning. I realize that coffee is supposed to be acidic so isn’t the best thing to have.
Creative Healthy Family says
Thank you for your comment.
Donna Nicksich says
Doctors say 1 cup of regular coffee with milk is ok but each case is different. If I over do coffee it reflux’s into my nose n sinus area and I blow my nose seeing brown stains. I’ve suffered with a cough for 20 years and am realizing it is mostly reflux with asthma. Books Dropping Acid and The Chronic Cough are life changing.
juliet says
Thank you for sharing. Acid reflux is ruining my sleep. Just today, i ask my husband to buy me a virgin coconut oil, i will try if it works for me. Been using ginger too, it works. I can’t figure yet the foods that trigger this upset stomach of mine. Then my esophagus as if there’s always something, similar to having a cough, then sour taste. Been to doctors, diagnosed with H phylori positive, finished all mefications. And i promised i wont take medicines as much as i can. Try home remedies.
Creative Healthy Family says
Thank you for your message. Hope my post helps with your symptoms 🙂 Something I have been giving to my son lately after researching about it is apple cider vinegar. It is also supposed to help with reflux a lot! I give him 1/4 teaspoon in the mornings.
Celine David says
When my son was 1 year old, his stomach was always bloated and he was always belching. I had him checked by a gastroenterologist who gave him low-dose Nexium for a month. Symptoms didn’t improve. I brought him to an allergist who confirmed that he had a milk protein allergy. I removed all cow’s milk from his diet and that solved the tummy problems. Sometimes the tummy troubles may be a symptom of food allergy or sensitivity. Parents might want to consider that too.
Creative Healthy Family says
Thank you for sharing.
LUCY says
I find coconut oil makes my heartburn worse. I am pleased to hear your son is improving.it is an awful thing to suffer with. I’ve had it for seven years.am sat up in bed now with it but just want to lay down and sleep. Best wishes
Creative Healthy Family says
Thank you. Hope you feel better soon and my post helps 🙂
Judy Kemp says
I have been on antiacids, PPIs for a year now, they have stopped working and I really want to get off of them. The information here is really encouraging – it helps to see you have had good results with the same kind of aloe vera juice I just started yesterday. All the ups and downs of feeling bad, figuring out diet, and meds and natural remedies is just tiring. Endoscopy coming up soon so looking forward to getting more information from that.
Thank you for this site Ursula.
Creative Healthy Family says
Thank you. Hope all goes well with the endoscopy and you find the natural remedies that work for you.
Anna lyn says
Thank you for sharing your tips about anti acid reflux
I have a acid reflux for morthan a year but sometimes I’m having a acid reflux not all the time but I want my acid reflux go away already,I saw your recipe about smoothie hoping that is good also with me your recipe. I already quit all the food that can trigger my acid reflux.
Creative Healthy Family says
Thank you for your comment. Hope this helps 🙂
Elsa says
Thank you for sharing your tips about Acid Reflux.. I am suffering for almost 2 years now and taking Lansoprazole for 6mos then i stopped then for 7mos now im taking Pantropazole. i have osteoporosis and i know these kind of medicines are bad for the bones. I had endoscopy 2mos ago and my esophagus has inflammation because of my acid reflux and was advised by the gastroenterologist todo endoscopy evry year. im going to try your smoothies and some home remedies that you have shared and hopefully in June29, 2021 i will have favourable result for my Motility test. God bless you and your family. Stay safe.
Creative Healthy Family says
Thank you so much for your comment. I hope my remedies help you and you can have some good results in your next test.
PK says
Thank you for this informative reflux information. So helpful!
I thought berries were highly acidic? I want to try your berry smoothie, but concerned about the berries. I know melons, watermelon & banana’s are ok. Are berries ok and low acidic compared to Orange, grapefruit, lemons, etc? Thanks in advance.
K Store says
Good information was shared, thanks for this.