Caprese Salad Kabobs recipe is a great appetizer idea! It is easy to make with only fresh ingredients. Get your children involved in the process too! This is also a great way to teach your kids to eat healthy! Including fresh ingredients and vegetables will create healthy eating habits. Fresh also tastes better!
Caprese Salad Kabobs
(serves about 4-6 people)
1 pint cherry tomatoes
1 large package fresh mozzarella small balls
1 small package fresh basil leaves
Olive oil
Balsamic vinegar
Salt and pepper
Start inserting a tomato, a small piece of basil leaf, and a mozzarella ball onto toothpicks until all ingredients are used. My son was super excited and serious about making the Caprese Salad Kabobs. It was also a fun activity for us to work on a project together.
Right before serving, drizzle the olive oil and vinegar over the tomato, cheese and basil, leaving the end of the toothpick clean.
Sprinkle with salt and pepper acceding to taste.
Enjoy your Caprese Salad Kabobs! Great appetizer to serve at parties or when you have some guests at home. Not only is this recipe healthy but it is so delicious.
If you want to try more fun appetizer ideas please see my hard boiled egg chicks recipe and deviled egg sailboats idea!
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