How To Make Healthy Ice Pops For Kids Easy Tutorial so you can make delicious and natural ice pops and have a perfect snack at home.
Ice Pops, ice pops, and more ice pops PLEASE!!!!!!
I discovered them one day when I picked up my son from daycare and all the kids were eating those multi-colored ice pops. My son seemed to be enjoying it so much I bought a box at the supermarket. At home they became one of his favorite snacks. Delighted by the colors and the fact he could eat them all by himself he starting asking for one, two, and sometimes more than three ice pops per day!
That’s when I realized: What if I could make them myself without the processed ingredients and artificial dyes and flavors? Those commercial ice pops are definitely not a healthy thing to eat. I didn’t feel good about him eating them on a daily basis, so I thought: Why can’t I make it a nutritious and healthy snack? This is why I am sharing this How To Make Healthy Ice Pops For Kids Easy Tutorial post with you.
I started my search for toddler Ice Pop Molds. If you google ice pops for kids you will get tons, and I mean tons, of ideas, recommendations and tips! I purchased some molds and tried freezing apple juice. My son was so excited with the new molds. I then bought some fruit juices, the ones that don’t have added sugar and are all natural and gave them a try. Success! My son absolutely loved all the ice pops.
Then I started thinking: ok now why do I have to buy juices full of preservatives when I can just blend fresh fruit and make them even more natural? So I started blending simple flavors like banana/strawberry or blue berry/apple with water and some honey. My son was in love with the pops and I was glad to know they were a super healthy snack.
I also invested in a high speed blender the Vitamix Professional Series and it is one of the best purchases I have ever made! It blends fruits and vegetables in seconds!
Not satisfied with the fruit pops I started adding “hidden” veggies. I tried blending the strawberries and banana with some fresh spinach. It did change the color of the ice pop but the taste remained the same: a healthy, nutritious, and delicious snack for my two year old! Voila! I can now get in some vegetables to the ice pops. Yay! I not only feel good about it but can start experimenting with other flavors. My son suffered from reflux as a baby and toddler so I add ginger and some Aloe Vera to my blends.
This is how you make healthy ice pops for kids easy tutorial. I blend the fruit and veggies with coconut water, apple juice, milk, or yogurt. I blend vegetables like beets, carrots, broccoli, cucumber, and even lettuce! There are so many ways to get your kids to eat their veggies you just need a little imagination. Plus I don’t feel bad anymore when my son asks for an ice pop for breakfast.
My favorite molds are the Mastrad Ice Pop Molds, the Nuby Garden
ice pop molds which are great for babies (they are small and easy to clean), and the FoodWorks Silicone Ice Molds
How To Make Healthy Ice Pops For Kids Easy Tutorial
1 cup fresh strawberries
1 1/2 cups of coconut water (you can also use yogurt, milk, orange or apple juice)
1 cup fresh spinach
1 tsp honey (*optional. Adding a sweeter like honey or sugar will make the ice pops softer in texture)
1 cucumber
1 banana
1 1/2 cups coconut water (you can also blend it with apple, orange juice or yogurt)
1 tsp honey (*optional. Adding a sweeter like honey or sugar will make the ice pops softer in texture)
You can try so many different flavor combinations! The recipes I just showed you are basic beginners ideas. You can then start experimenting with other flavors and use your favorite fruits and veggies. Please also see my How To Make Perfect Green Smoothies For Kids Tutorial. Simply add a tablespoon more of honey to your smoothie blends and make your ice pops.
How to make healthy ice pops for kids easy tutorial. Easy, healthy, and so perfect for the summer. Stay away from processed snacks full of artificial ingredients and refined sugars! Make your own delicious ice pops and see how easy it is to make amazing healthy treats!
If you are interested in reading more about my blog, please take a look at my latest articles. I am a mom blogger who loves to share creative and healthy fun food ideas.
I am not a chef or have many years of experience cooking. So most of my recipes are very easy to prepare. I believe in simple, nutritious, and homemade food made from scratch.
Anonymous says
Great idea!
Tessa says
Your Pintrest button isn’t working. I thought this was a nice idea to pin to remind me later.
Creative And Healthy Fun Food says
Thank you for letting me know. I will take a look at it and get it fixed as soon as possible. Thanks!