Having a hard time deciding whether spending more on all-natural GMO-free food is worth it? I can tell you without a doubt that it is! Don’t take my word alone for it, though. Keep reading for powerful reasons why you should buy organic food.
What are the Most Powerful Reasons Why You Should Buy Organic Food?
Organic food contains more nutrients, which leads to a healthier and stronger you. A stronger immune system is capable of fighting diseases better. It will also decrease your risk of cancer by avoiding dangerous chemical pesticides, fertilizers, and GMOs. Last (but far from least), organic is better for the planet. Let’s take a closer look at each of these powerful reasons to buy organic food.
1. Organic food contains more nutrients
A research study done by the Quality Low Input Food (QLIF) project in the European Union found great differences if you choose to eat organic food. During the study, they grew fruits & veggies and raised cattle both organically and conventionally. These were the shocking results: The organically produced fruits and vegetables contained 40% more antioxidants and higher levels of vitamins and minerals. Organically raised cows produced milk that tested with almost 90% more antioxidants.
Need more examples? An organic, pasture-raised egg contains 2 times more omega-3 fatty acids, 3 times more vitamin E, and 7 times more beta carotene, than a conventional egg. Grass-fed organic beef contains up to 5 times as much Omega-3! It also has more vitamin E and minerals like potassium, iron, zinc, and phosphorus. If you are interested in a delicious family-friendly recipe made with organic ingredients, please see Organic Grass Fed Beef Stew.
All those extra nutrients translate to a much healthier body! The antioxidant boost helps your body fight off free radicals while the vitamins give your immune system a nice kick. Vitamin C in particular is great for keeping your family healthy during the winter. Yet, according to experts, most Americans don’t get enough of it. Switching to organic fruits and veggies may not completely close the gap, but it can shrink it a bit.
2. Eating organic lowers your risk of developing cancer
Organic food is grown without the use of pesticides, man-made fertilizers or GMO. Now, GMO’s link to cancer is debatable. Scientists claim there is no “reputable” evidence that genetically modified foods cause cancer. We’ll let them have that for the moment. Since GMOs are relatively new, there’s no telling what we’ll discover tomorrow. Most of us would rather avoid food that has been genetically tampered with, but let’s focus on the things we do know for sure.
Pesticides DO cause cancer. This isn’t an exaggeration. It’s a proven fact. DDT is linked to breast cancer. Common household pesticides are linked to childhood cancers. Men exposed to certain types develop testicular cancer at higher rates. Exposure to Roundup, one of the most common herbicides, increases your risk of developing numerous cancers by a whopping 40%. I could go on, but I think you get the point.
Compounds found in common fertilizers also have strong links to cancer. Nitrate and cadmium are the biggest offenders. These compounds make their way into drinking water near farms that use them. Cadmium also finds its way into your food. Unless you want that healthy salad to come with a side order of Roundup and cadmium, buy organic food.
3. It also decreases your chances of developing kidney disease
A relatively recent study done by the University of Queensland found that “A commonly available pesticide has been associated with an increased risk of chronic kidney disease (CKD).” Kidney disease is far more prevalent than you may think. Did you know that CKD already affects 1 in 7 people in the US, yet 1 in 9 of them don’t even know it until the advanced stages of the disease?
Given how common it is, I think anything we should do anything we can to lower our risk. Eating organic food may not completely wipe out your chances of developing CKD, but it’s one of the easiest things we can do to at least mitigate it a bit, don’t you agree?
4. Organic is better for the planet
One of the most powerful reasons to buy organic food has less to do with your immediate health and more to do with the long-term health of the planet. The obvious reason is, of course, the fact that organic farmers aren’t spraying harmful chemicals all over the place.
Less obvious reasons include protecting pollinators, preserving soil, and keeping plants from developing pesticide-resistant diseases. We already know how important pollinators are, otherwise we wouldn’t be going to such extraordinary measures to save the honeybees. Of course, preserving the planet also helps preserve our own health. In other words, help one and you help the other.
In the interest of fairness, though, I should point out that a 2018 study said the opposite. The Chalmers University of Technology found that organic farming has a “bigger climate impact than conventionally farmed food.” However, their findings are based solely on the fact that it takes more land to make organic food than conventionally grown goods. Given the choice between using a bit more land but keeping the air cleaner (and keeping more bees alive) or less land but filling it with chemicals that aren’t good for anyone or anything, I think the right choice is pretty obvious.
5. Organic foods have stricter regulations
While all food grown for human consumption in the US has to meet certain safety regulations, organic food has stricter oversight in general. Not only do organic farmers have to meet the basic safety requirements, but they also must meet a fairly robust list of criteria to earn the USDA-certified organic label.
Among those rules is a long list of chemicals and pesticides that farmers are barred from using. For example, farmers cannot use sewage sludge when growing their crops. Consider that for a moment. If organic farmers are prohibited from using it, then it stands to reason that non-organic farmers are allowed to use it. Is anyone else grossed out right now?
Check out the video below to learn more about organic certification:
6. Certified organic food is non-GMO
Along with a list of really gross things that organic farmers can’t use, they’re also prohibited from genetically modifying their crops. I know that a lot of studies show that GMO food isn’t as dangerous as it sounds. If you’re comfortable with it, I’m not going to argue with you or try to change your mind. But for those of us who aren’t comfortable having scientists tinker with our apples and oranges, buying certified organic food is one of the easiest ways to avoid GMO produce.
It’s never been easier to buy organic food
The organic food industry in the United States is growing rapidly. Go to your local supermarket and you will find lots of new organic options that go way beyond the produce department. Still, you need to know a few things to choose healthy choices when you buy processed organic food.
Make sure you know how to read your labels and avoid products filled with sugar or hydrogenated oils. Sugar is really bad for your overall health, and the benefits of organic food are lost when you consume it in large quantities. So, limit your sugar intake, even if you buy organic. If you are interested please see 7 Ways To Avoid Processed Foods , for more details.
While you can find organic foods in nearly every aisle of the store, you’ll still benefit more from eating organic fresh fruits, vegetables, and animal products. They’re far more nutritious than processed foods (which aren’t very good for you at all).
Eat lots of raw organic fruits and vegetables.
When you stick with raw, the nutrient content remains intact. If you buy organic, you will also be benefiting from the extra antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals. Interested in an easy-to-make recipe with raw and nutritious ingredients like spinach, basil, walnuts, and avocado? Please see my Kid Friendly Raw Pesto Sauce. My family loves it and it is a great way to eat more vegetables. You can make it in 5 minutes!
I am always looking for more natural products and healthier alternatives to unhealthy options. There is always something new to learn and improve. I like to transform unhealthy meals into healthy options by using fresh ingredients. You can make healthy chicken nuggets or mac & cheese if you use organic ingredients. Want to try it for yourself? Please see Turn Junk Food Into Healthy Food: 3 Easy To Make Recipes.
Make your family’s health your first priority
My family’s health is my number one priority. When it comes to food, I don’t mind paying more for better quality. Is buying organic worth the higher price? Absolutely! Little by little you can improve by researching and switching to better, more nutritious ingredients. You need to remember to always read your labels. If you are interested in making better choices, please see my post 5 Ingredient Swaps For Healthier Eating for more details.
The benefits of fresh, high-quality organic food for your body and health are definitely worth paying the higher price. The Powerful Reasons Why You Should Buy Organic Food are obvious. Stay informed and make better choices for you and your family.
Farmbox Direct says
Great post! Everybody has opinions when it comes to choosing organic, but there’s also a lot of misinformation out there. Thanks for the hard work and sharing this informative post with us!