A few weeks ago, we talked about learning to appreciate the smaller moments that make life wonderful. Before we can really revel in those moments, it helps to take a look at the things we take for granted. We never realize how much we truly have until it’s gone. Here are just some things we take for granted, and why we’re so lucky to have them.
7 Things That You Should Never, Ever Take for Granted
We humans are a very “wantful” species. We want more. More money, more time, more energy, more friends, even more shoes. Just more. We take for granted all the things that we do have, never really learning to appreciate just how privileged we are on so many levels. As I said above, though, we can change. We can take a good hard look at our lives and learn to appreciate what we have, starting with these 7 things that you should never take for granted.
1. A conversation with our parents
Of all the things we take for granted, the simple ability to connect with our loved ones definitely tops the list. Even if we’re feeling blue because you can only connect through a phone call or text, we’re very fortunate that they’re on the other end to receive it. Many would give anything for the chance to hear their mother’s voice or see a “dad joke” pop up in their inbox. We should never take even the smallest chance to connect with our parents for granted because they won’t be with us forever.
2. The ability to just get up and go
I saw this wonderfully meaningful meme the other day where a guy in a red car wishes for a sportier car. Then a guy in an old car wishes for a new one, followed by a guy on a bike wishing he could afford a car. Next, a man waiting for the bus wishes for a bike. It ends with a man in a wheelchair wishing for legs. The point is to remind us that we all have something another wants and to be grateful for what we do have.
However, the man at the end gives us all another reminder of something that we take for granted- the ability to just get up and go. Whether we drive, take the bus, grab an Uber, hop on a bike, or just use our legs, we have options.
The fact that we can leave our homes at all is something we should never take for granted, especially when you consider that between 20-40 million people currently live in slavery because of human trafficking.
3. The sound of our children’s voices (yep, even when they’re really loud)
Let’s be honest, we all wish our kids came with volume control at times. Preferably one with a mute button! Hey, it doesn’t make us bad parents, wishing sometimes they’d just be quiet for five minutes so we can finish a conference call or hear what the news is saying. Just remember, it’s a privilege to hear those voices, even when they’re being obnoxiously loud.
Just like many sons and daughters would give anything for a single moment with their parents, too many moms and dads would move the planets just to hear their child’s laughter one last time. On the other side of the spectrum, millions of couples dealing with infertility would gladly deal with interrupted Zoom meetings if it meant fulfilling their dreams of becoming parents.
So, never take your children for granted, even when they’re driving you totally bonkers.
4. Clean water for cooking, drinking, and showering
Water is one of the few things that we actually need for our survival and one of the simplest things that we take for granted. When we need some for cooking, we turn on our tap and there it is. Need to get clean after a long day’s work? Hop in the shower and turn the knob to hot. Thirsty? Pop a cup under your water dispenser, hit a button, and voila- clean water.
Did you know, though, that over 780 million people worldwide don’t have that luxury? Even right here in the US, 63 million Americans don’t have access to safe, clean drinking water. Do the math. In a country with about 333 million people, that’s an incredible 18% who go without clean water.
As the Water Project explains, “Half of the world’s hospital beds are filled with people suffering from a water-related disease.” Consider that the next time you fill up a pot to boil pasta, suds up in the shower, or gulp down a cold glass of H20, and I bet you’ll stop taking it for granted.
5. The means to make healthy food choices
Healthy eating is incredibly important to me and my family. I avoid processed foods and choose organic produce whenever possible. However, I know that it’s a privilege, being able to make those choices for my family. I know that I should never take it for granted because over 820 million people worldwide go to bed hungry every night. That’s nearly 1 billion people who would love to have anything to fill their bellies, organic or not.
If you think hunger is just a problem in “underdeveloped” nations, think again. An incredible 41 million people (about 11% of US households) suffer from food insecurity every year. Sadly, after current events and an unprecedented number of lost jobs, that number will likely rise for 2020. For those thinking, “So what, they get food stamps, they should be fine,” consider this- the average person gets $5 a day in food stamps. A day. Not a meal. A day. So never take that healthy meal for granted.
6. A boring night at home
Ever have one of those nights where you just can’t settle into anything and feel like you’ll go mad from boredom? None of the movies on your dozen streaming services appeal to you. Not a single one of the thousand books on your Kindle scream out, “read me!” The entire house is clean from top to bottom, kids are in bed, and there’s just nothing to do. Hey, we’ve all had those nights. They stink, right?
The next time you’re feeling bored out of your gourd, try this. Write down all the reasons why you have the privilege of being bored. Your work is done for the day and you’re financially secure enough that you don’t have to spend the entire night working on “side hustles” to make your rent. You have a roof over your head that isn’t leaking.
Your kids sleep through the night on their own. A million and one things came together just right to give you the opportunity to be bored. Don’t take it for granted.
7. Time to spend with our family
I bet sometimes we all crave a little less time to spend with our families, right? Certain events keep us locked away indoors with no one but each other. Maybe an illness keeps us at home. Perhaps it’s a hurricane warning, a blizzard, or even a busted car. Whatever the reason, we find ourselves with no choice but to spend quality time together.
Rather than cursing the universe for taking away your option to leave your home, be grateful that you have a home to stay in. Many don’t. Others wish they could be home with their families, but work in “essential” industries and don’t have that luxury. Some don’t even have families to spend time with and struggle with loneliness day and night.
If you really think about it, there are probably thousands of things that you take for granted every day. We all do it, so don’t think I’m standing on a pedestal lecturing here. We’re so used to wanting more, to living in a society that tells us we never have enough.
When we sit and consider all that we have, though, we’ll stop taking so many things for granted and realize that we really are quite fortunate.
Judith says
Sadly you left out the one thing that most of us do every weekend “worship.”
Allison Groves says
Lot’s of us DON’T do it and have no need to do so. This article is about things common to ALL of us, but good job making it a theist issue.
Ann Donnell says
Sorry you have missed the point. God is life’s most important issue, really the only issue. Enjoyed article— and the blessings we have.
Ginny Chesonis says
You are so right. We are truly blessed with every breath we are able to take.
Marlene says
Count your blessings every day!! Makes it so much easier to have an attitude of gratitude!!
TomjustTom says
not to all. Some people have the choice to not “believe” in God. So, this article is the most important to Us.
Jorie scott says
So you don’t celebrate Christmas and don’t have your hands out wanting gifts? That would be hypocritical. So you work Easter as well. No need for you to take holidays off
Bruce Diamond says
Nobody is missing the point except you perhaps . You believe it a god or gods , that’s fine . If you’re smart you won’t go telling anyone else it’s necessary for their well being .
Sylvia Fisher says
God is a faith , not a fact.
Rich Gomez says
And how much stranger would it be if they had a different God and a different Savior…… Space Aliens–
Mary says
Wow. Anger issues?
Judy says
She has no anger issues, she is stating a fact.
Patricia DePasquale says
This is very true!! She has no anger issues but maybe you do!! Care to explain??? We are grateful for everyday we get!! When my eyes open in the mornings I thank God!! No complaining about the same old same old!!! I am just plain grateful and I can find something useful to do!!
Norma Towry says
Sometimes the people that strike out in a vehement way are the ones that need the love that comes with of worship the most. There are evil, condemning, hate filled people within every organization, even the church but that is not what the bible teaches so you please remember that most will still want you to find the happiness and acceptance of others whether you choose to be with them or not.
Kay says
God should be #1 in everyone’s life! If He were we would not be in the mess we are in right now! God 1st! Family next…everything else falls into place.
Ginny chesonis says
Correct, Kay.
Chris says
You’re absolutely correct. Those of us who have other beliefs or don’t believe in organized religion are sometimes more spiritual than those who consider themselves “Christian”. And the last time I checked, our constitution allows not only for freedom of religion but also freedom FROM religion; this is something to never take for granted.
Creative Healthy Family says
Thanks for your comment.
Sandy says
Yes, my church is closed during this pandemic and I miss worshipping with all the wonderful Christians every Sunday that attend service. Cannot wait until it reopens!
Catherine Kellerman says
For those of us who do worship the Lord I never thought of it as something you could for granted because even during this pandemic while our church is closed I worship at home. God is with me always, wherever I go. Even in a country a where a person could go to prison for being a Christian I can still worship in private. I don’t mean to lessen your thoughts on the subject. Your post just really got me thinking. I tend to get very deep during this coronavirus isolation.
Rhonda Herd says
True. I love this but i agree. We forget to give thanks to the one who makes every moment possible. And please ignore the ignorant response. They should examine their life closer if your comment actually bothered them. Most atheists find no peace in their choice.
Mary BT says
Very true because they have nothing higher to have faith in NC or to lookout them and on and on . God is always with you and me. Amen
Tammie says
I am a Christian. Not in all but in some churches there are Christians for show. I have found that God is where ever I am because he lives within me. No, it is not the song. What I simply mean is that I thank God everyday for the Good and the Bad that seems to come my way. Yes, that means finding my car keys…it reminds me to put them back where they belong. He does work in many ways. I don’t have to go to church, I go to mom’s beauty shop, my friends talk about the Lord…God puts me in the right place at the right time. I am very thankful that he uses me for his purpose. Yes, I have even witnessed to a dying friend. It popped out of my mouth before I knew what I was saying. I am fortunate that I am surrounded by God fearing people. But I do live in the South. I believe he left out worshipping the Lord so that there would not be controvery and that Christian can come together on their own and talk about the Lord. I also thank Him for giving me a chance to say this because someone just might need to hear that God is alive.
Sharon Fox says
Jane says
You were on spot on that. Should of been first on the list PLUS LIFE ITSELF
Tanya Lee Hamilton says
People tend to take for granted the abilities to walk, talk, be contented or satisfied. Try being in an accident with a freight train in the country, and have to relearn how to even think or exist anymore, then learn how to walk and talk all over again. You can feel and hear, yet people talk over you as if you’re not even there. You finally get one or two words out, and they walk away, not interested in hearing how you feel or what you think. Thank God I can walk, talk, and take care of myself, even if it’s from a wheelchair sometimes!!
Kenneth DeFee says
Sharon Fox says
You’re right Judith, many people don’t even have the freedom to go to church like we have. Or to meet in a public place to pray or worship. You’re comment is very appropriate. Also we have more freedom of speech to say good or bad how we feel about something.
Rita says
That one I will agree on.
Robyn says
I believe that there are less than you think who “worship”.
In the 2012 census 38 9% of people identified as having no religion. Of the 61.1% remaining I would be surprised if they all worship on weekends.
Kathy says
Great site 😍
Creative Healthy Family says
Thank you.
kay Lasley says
This gives food for thought! Enjoyed the article.
Creative Healthy Family says
Shannon says
This “appreciation” will literally 2 months tops! People are going to go back to taking things for granted once the newness wears off. They just will regardless of this little reminders to not do it.
Deloris Fitterer says
My husband and I are isolated on the farm, grandkids live miles away 5 great granddaughters 2 I haven’t seen yet,so how do you spend time with family?
Teresa says
Your husband is also classed as your family. Appreciate you have him with you and you arent isolated alone. Theres always someone worse off
Mary-Helen Hopkins says
If you have internet, you can use Zoom or other similar apps to have a video/audio meeting with friends/family. That’s what I do. I live alone with one elderly cat so I really look forward to my Zoom sessions.
Marie says
Deloris, You need to reread the article. Please find gratitude in what you have. Remember you’re not in this alone. You have a husband to talk to, you have a farm to walk around freely in. Do you have a car, phone or computer to use to communicate with others? Do you have any farm animals or a cat or dog to enjoy? Do you have a garden spot for fresh vegetables. Please just remember one day you will see your great grand babies.
Dawn says
Exactly the point. You are taking for granted the fact that you even have them. Try not ever being able to have children and your entire immediate family has passed away. Get a clue.
Jean says
Talk to them on the phone, always prayer with via video and always remember God is bigger than anything.
Betty says
Thank you for the food for thought. You r correct we do take a lot for granite. You have things you want to someone who is dying but they r gone before u get the words out.
Carrie Snelling says
Really Sad but TRUE. Thanks for the reminder
Babita says
So true! Enjoyed the article!
Alan Edwards says
Sorry, I refuse to believe the stat that 63 million Americans don’t have access to safe, clean drinking water …
Sandra says
There’s a lot of things I don’t take for granted. I’m TRULY greatful to be able to recognize the blessings God has given me. One is my eye sight. When I was 12 yrs. old I was told by 3 different Dr’s. that I was going to go blind before I was 18 yrs. They said there was no hope. On Easter Sunday my mom had the pastors of the church pray for me. I can still see today. Blessings from God. I’m TRULY greatful.
sandra surace says
this is really nice, i would get more of this things
Grace Araujo says
Só so true I am learning to rule my time instead of it ruling me I’m find that I’m accomplishing things that really matter “ spending time with elderly neighbour!” and so much more.
Thank you for this I’m posting it on my fridge as a little reminder to live buy.
carol says
Thanks fir this reflection thoughts , thanks to God I have all I need in my life, my kids healthy and happy , clean water, food and a roof over our head…, and yes it’s lonely having lonely nights alone, but at the same time , peace is good for our souls …. , and as long I am healthy and happy so I can bring my kids up , I think that’s all I need in my life .. Thanks
John Gray Cloud Miller says
I see the homeless most everyday here on Pittsburgh roadways. I Kno I can pray 5 times a day but I forget some of the times. True Peace of mind is only Possible thru prayer…..
#7. Y. Peace.
Build a life
Around family
A calm home
N peaceful sanctuary.
Peace. Y. #7
Martha Ann Edwards says
I enjoyed this article a lot. I wonder if we will ever go back to how it was before Co Vid19.
The world needed the break. Many people are surprised how much fun their children are, and they never knew.
Darlene Lewis says
during this pandemic I read anything,watch game shows,BlueBloods,and Shark Tank…..and then I could call my sister or my son……………I hope things pick up soon.
Sandra Cowley says
Not all have those things to be able to take them for granted. Spoken list clearly from someone privileged.
Alcohol Rehab says
What’s up to every single one, it’s actually a good for me to pay a visit this site, it contains helpful Information.
Rachel Thomashefsky says
This reqlly touches my heart . thank you so much
Creative Healthy Family says
Thank you for your comment 🙂
Marvin Mohler says
The list is not for all, there are some who have past traumas that change at least one thing listed.
WT says
Matthew 8:20,
“And Jesus said to him, “The foxes have holes, and the birds of the air have nests; but the Son of Man has nowhere to lay His head.”
Mary says
Thank you for the good advice ❤️
Creative Healthy Family says
Glad you enjoyed reading the article.
Debra says
God bless this day!! Thank you for keeping healthy and happy. I am blessed with a beautiful son and grandson and granddaughter. My daughter in law is such a gift. I am so blessed too have two amazing brothers and sister in laws. My wonderful husband. My cousins and Aunts. I am truly blessed. Amen
Creative Healthy Family says
Thanks so much for your comment. We should always feel thankful and appreciate what we have 🙂
Vivienne Davis says
I find it interesting the so called Christians
are the very ones that are argumentative
and fault finding. The article reminds us
to count our blessings. Why is that so difficult
to do without nit picking? All that drama is
why so many people are turning away. Not
necessarily turning away from God but organized
Robyn says
I believe that there are less than you think who “worship”.
In the 2021 census 38 9% of people identified as having no religion. Of the 61.1% remaining I would be surprised if they all worship on weekends.