Need a little help letting go of summer? Grab a pumpkin spice latte, snuggle up in your favorite sweater, and check out these funny fall memes! If they don’t get you in the Autumn spirit, then I don’t know what will. Just keep reading to check them out!
22 Fall Memes to Get You Into the Pumpkin Spice Spirit!
We don’t get much in the way of colorful foliage down here in Miami, and the temperatures rarely dip below the high 70s. That doesn’t stop me from wearing sweaters whenever I can and enjoying a good pumpkin spice latte! It also doesn’t stop me from laughing at all of these funny fall memes! I hope you enjoy them, too!
1. This is why Florida can’t have nice things…
Let’s start with one for my fellow Floridians, shall we? All of you Northerners will never know the agony of spending hours creating the perfect jack-o-lantern, only to watch it rot and wilt within days thanks to the Miami heat!
2. Why fall is the best…
There are so many things to love about fall! Pumpkin everything, sweaters, football, Halloween…and all of those creepy crawlies return to the fiery pits of Hades from whence they came! Even here in Florida, where the state bird is the mosquito, we get a small reprieve during Autumn. Oh, don’t get me wrong, those nasty bugs are still out there, lying in wait to dine on an unsuspecting tourist. But they aren’t quite as active during the fall months.
3. That feeling you get when you see the first Spirit Halloween pop up
You know that fall has officially arrived when the first Spirit Halloween pops up (usually in some supermarket that went under recently). It’s definitely a fun store to walk around in! I prefer making my own unique DIY Halloween costumes for my kids, though. It’s a lot cheaper!
4. It’s pre-snow!
My friends up north get this one! Once those leaves hit the ground, you know that blizzard season is right around the corner.
5. You don’t need that negativity in your life…
Bye, bye haters! Jokes aside, don’t let anyone make you feel bad for enjoying what you enjoy, and never feel like you have to explain the things that make you happy.
6. It’s sweater weather…
Since my leaves don’t change, this is basically me the second my friends start posting their fall foliage pics!
7. … and yoga pants season!
Yay for comfy pants! I think that’s one thing about fall that EVERYONE loves!
8. Goodbye bikini diet! Hello, pumpkin spice and everything nice!
Of course, you should always eat healthily and all, but there’s something to be said for the end of “bikini body diet” season, right?
9. But it’s supposed to crunch! Where’s the crunch?!?
Is there anything sadder than stepping on a leaf and not hearing that crunch? Okay, fine, there are probably a billion things that are sadder, but still! It’s supposed to crunch!
10. Brace yourselves!
![pumpkin flavored everything is coming meme](
One of the funniest and most popular fall memes of all time, this one is perfect for those of you out there who really don’t like pumpkin spice. Hey, no judgment!
11. Three months of pumpkin perfection
Here’s one for those of you who DO love pumpkin! You really can put it in everything! Try my turkey pumpkin chili or delicious almond flour pumpkin cookies for a nice change from pies and lattes!
12. What happens when you look in a mirror and say “pumpkin spice latte” three times?
I was on the fence about including this fall meme because I worry that some will take it the wrong way. But it is funny, right?
13. It’s Pumpkin Spice O’Clock Somewhere!
Sure, the calendar says “August,” but hey, pumpkins are in season somewhere, right? So technically it’s always a good time for pumpkin spice!
14. Just rustlin’
Nature gives us some of the most soothing sounds! Fall leaves rustling in the wind definitely rank up there with the sound of waves crashing on the beach!
15. Literally me…
Hey, when it’s 80+ degrees almost year-round, you have to MAKE your own sweater season! So, I crank up the AC, use this trick to make my house smell like fall, and spend a few minutes wrapped up in that cozy cardigan that I almost never get to actually wear outside.
16. Celebrate the end of leg-shaving season
So long, bumpy rashy razor-burned legs, hello yoga pants and leggings! The end of leg-shaving season is definitely cause for celebration.
17. It totally counts as fall decorating
Want to get out of raking your leaves? Just tell people they count as “rustic farmhouse” decor!
18. Happy Apple Picking Season!
But it’s so much fun! Well, at least for the first five minutes. Okay, so after that, your arms get achy from reaching and carrying that heavy pail. Plus, your littlest ones can’t reach any apples so they just pick up the rotten wormy ones on the ground. Then you have to find a way to discard those apples without hurting their feelings (especially if you’re paying by the pound). But hey, at least you’re all together outdoors getting some exercise!
19. Fall is the best time for cuddles
The very best thing about fall is that it’s the perfect season for cuddling! Grab a cozy blanket and your partner, your kids, or even your dog and snuggle up on the sofa together. Heck, you don’t even need a snuggle buddy. Sometimes, I like to just grab a good book, wrap a blanket around my shoulders, and cuddle up with myself. It’s a great way to embrace being alone!
20. What to wear, what to wear?
During the fall, especially in the parts of the country where you experience four seasons in the course of 12 hours, you have two choices: you can either be cool in the morning and freezing at night…or vice-versa. Never both.
21. My favorite color is October!
Out of all of the seasons, October is definitely the prettiest. There’s something so beautiful and indescribable about the way the landscape looks when it’s dotted with a combination of yellow, orange, and deep red leaves.
22. If you don’t talk politics, you get pie!
Here’s a great way to keep politics from ruining your Thankgiving: hold the pie hostage!
23. My second favorite “F” word
I think you know what my first favorite is! It starts with “FU.” I’m talking about FUN of course! What did you think I was going to say? 😀
24. Rake. Pile. Jump. Repeat
I love this saying for Fall letterboards, don’t you? It’s the perfect way to spend the season!
25. I’m falling for you!
This is totally a dad joke, but I couldn’t resist. I just love a good pun!
26. Get “lit” this weekend…
Anyone else with me on this one? These days, my idea of a “lit” Friday night is just chilling at home with my family.
27. Happy fall!
More Funny Fall Sayings
I found quite a few more funny fall sayings when I was writing this post, but not all of them really fit the “meme” theme that I was going for. Some of them are great for Instagram captions, Autumn letterboards, and more though.
- Scary movies, pumpkin spice, cozy flannels, murder…you know, fall stuff.
- My broomstick runs on wine.
- Gobble ’til you wobble.
- I suppose I will die never knowing what pumpkin pie tastes like when you have room for it.
- I’m just here for the pumpkin pie.
- Fall is…sweater weather, crunchy leaves & pumpkin spice everything.
- “Autumn is a season followed immediately by looking forward to spring.” – Doug Larson
- Whatever spices your pumpkin!
- Hoodies, hot cocoa, boots, jeans, cuddling, crisp air, flushed cheeks. I live for autumn.
- Fueled by coffee & pumpkin spice.
- Give thanks. Eat pie.
- Let’s pumpkin spice things up a bit.
- Stressed, blessed, pumpkin obsessed.
- It’s football season! Spice, spice baby.
- My blood type is pumpkin spice.
- Alexa, bake me pumpkin donuts and tell me I’m skinny.
- What do you use to mend a jack-o-lantern? A pumpkin patch.
- Fall: That beautiful time of year between sweat and frost bite.
- Autumn, a time when pie is a food group and living in sweatpants is acceptable.
- Pumpkin spice season is finally here…better latte than never!
I don’t care what the calendar says, the second my kids headed back to school it was officially Autumn for me! So, whether you’re reading this on August 18th or September 22nd, happy fall, my friends!
I hope you loved these funny fall memes, and that they helped get you into the spirit of the season. Which one was your favorite?
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