In the world of parenting, where every day presents a new challenge, the advice of strong mothers holds an invaluable place. Let’s dive into a collection of quotes and parenting wisdom that not only resonates but also empowers us to be better moms to our own kids!
Quotes and Parenting Advice from Strong Moms
First, let me be clear: ALL mothers are STRONG mothers. Raising kids who will one day change the world (and we definitely NEED kids like that) isn’t an easy task! But for those days when you’re feeling like you just can’t rally your strength, these words of wisdom from other strong women will help! I hope you love them as much as I do!
1. Quality Time With You Matters More Than Material Things
This quote reminds us that kids need more time with us, not more things. Make sure you make plenty of time to just play and bond with your children. Toys come and go, but memories with you last forever.
2. Never Underestimate the Power of Simply Being Mom
Being a mom isn’t about perfection; it’s about showing up and letting our kids know that we’re there for them when they need us.
3. The Strength in a Mother’s Prayers
You don’t have to be religious to appreciate this quote! A mother’s prayers aren’t necessarily to a specific deity. All mothers fervently hope and wish for their children’s safety and happiness.
4. Cherish the Moments that Matter
Winnie the Pooh’s wise words remind us that the tiniest moments can hold the greatest significance. From laughing over an inside joke to the warmth of a bedtime snuggle, these are the memories that create the tapestry of our motherhood journey.
5. Foster Independence through Attachment
Attachment parenting gets a bad rap, especially these days when people constantly share memes about “kids these days” not being “tough enough.” I can’t even tell you how much I despise most of those memes. We know better than our parents did, so we do better. That doesn’t mean they were bad parents or that they didn’t do anything right. Our parents sacrificed so much for us and we should appreciate them. BUT we can be thankful to them for trying to be the best parents possible to us AND do things differently so that we can be the best parents to our children.
6. The Monumental Decision of Motherhood
From the moment our kids take their first breaths outside the womb, our hearts are basically just walking around outside of our bodies.
7. Do more hugging and less tugging!
This is one of my favorite strong mom quotes! I really try to live by this advice now so that I have no regrets when my kids are all grown up. I’d also add how important it is to spend more time being IN the picture and less time taking them. Just be present in the moment.
8. Prioritize Connection over Perfection
This amazing mom quote reminds us that we don’t need to be perfect to raise amazing kids. In fact, it’s often our imperfections that help our children feel the most connected to us.
9. Raise Strong Daughters
Strong mothers empower their daughters to embrace their potential and become resilient, confident individuals. In other words, it takes strong women to raise strong women!
10. We Defy Natural Laws with Motherly Strength
The love that we have for our kids is capable of transcending the laws of time, space, and pretty much any other natural law of physics.
11. ALL Moms are Working Moms!
It drives me nuts when people say “working mom,” as if moms who don’t work outside the house aren’t working at all. ALL moms are working moms! Motherhood in and of itself is a full-time job. The same goes for fatherhood, by the way. But no one really says “Oh, he’s a working dad.” Nor do they criticize dads for working outside the home. That double standard seems to be reserved specifically for women.
12. We may lose our minds, but we find our souls
This one speaks for itself. Motherhood can make us feel like we’re going bonkers at times, but it’s so rewarding. Who needs sanity, anyway, right?
13. Raise kids who make good decisions
Raise kids who question things, and let them make their own decisions as often as possible. Only by giving them space to make independent choices can we pave the way for them to learn, grow, and ultimately become confident and capable adults.
14. Stop competing with other moms
It’s way past time we moms stopped competing with and judging each other and started spending more time supporting each other. Our paths may be different, but our journey’s destination is ultimately the same. We all want to raise kids who become kind, happy, healthy, and well-adjusted adults.
15. Let the Sun Rise and Set Around Your Kids
People often say that kids shouldn’t be raised to believe that they’re the center of the universe. And yes, it’s true that our kids shouldn’t feel like the world revolves around them. At the same time, though, every child (and adult, for that matter) should experience the joy of being someone’s sun, moon and stars.
16. Be your child’s safe space
This one isn’t a strong mom quote really because it’s not a quote and it’s not from a mom. But it’s still an amazing piece of parenting advice. It reminds us to be our child’s safe space, whether that means letting them sleep with you, picking them up when they fall, or just giving them room to discover who they are without judgment.
17. We are the glue that holds our families together
Even in the face of challenges (and even when we feel like we’re coming apart at the seams), a mother’s love and strength keep everything together!
18. You’re already a good mom!
This one speaks for itself. The very act of worrying about being a good mother means that you already ARE one.
19. Motherhood shows us how strong we really are
I think this is a great quote to end with because it’s so true. Motherhood challenges everything that we know about ourselves, our lives, and the entire world around us. It also shows us just how strong we truly are.
Inspirational Quotes About Motherhood and Being a Strong Mom
This next section isn’t specifically all quotes BY strong moms, but they always inspire me to BE a strong mom. Does that make sense? In any case, they’re definitely some of my favorite parenting quotes, so I wanted to share them with you to keep the inspiration going. 🙂
- “The heart of a mother is a deep abyss at the bottom of which you will always find forgiveness.” – Honoré de Balzac
- “Being a mother is learning about strengths you didn’t know you had.” – Linda Wooten
- “A strong mom weaves strength into her words and courage into her hugs, making her children’s world unbreakable.”
- “To the world, you are a mother, but to your family, you are the world.”
- “Motherhood: All love begins and ends there.” – Robert Browning
- “There is no way to be a perfect mother, but a million ways to be a good one.” – Jill Churchill
- “The days are long, but the years are short.” – Gretchen Rubin
- “There is no role in life that is more essential than that of motherhood.” – Elder M. Russell Ballard
- “A mother’s arms are more comforting than anyone else’s.” – Princess Diana
- “A mother’s love for her child is like nothing else in the world.” – Agatha Christie
- “The influence of a mother in the lives of her children is beyond calculation.” – James E. Faust
- “Sometimes the strength of motherhood is greater than natural laws.” – Barbara Kingsolver
- “Being a strong mom means teaching your children to sail in rough waters, not just enjoying the calm seas.”
- “The art of mothering is to teach the art of living to children.” – Elaine Heffner
- “In the mother’s eyes, her smile, her stroking touch, the child reads the message: ‘You are there!'” – Adrienne Rich
- “The strength of a mother is measured not by the weight she can carry but by the depth of love she pours into her children.”
- “If you are a mom, you are a superhero, period.” – Rosie Pope
- “A strong mom is both the anchor that holds her children steady and the sail that guides them towards their dreams.”
- “A mother’s hug lasts long after she lets go.”
- “Everything I’ve learned that’s worth knowing, I learned from my mom.”
- “A strong mom loves fiercely, fights tirelessly, and believes in her children’s dreams with a passion that ignites their own.”
- “Motherhood has the greatest potential influence in human life.”
- “The most important work you will ever do will be within the walls of your own home.” – Harold B. Lee
- “Nobody loves you like your mom. She’s your best friend, your most honest critic, and your biggest fan all rolled into one.” – Kelly Roper
- “Being a mom has made me so tired. And so happy.” – Tina Fey
- “There is nothing in the world of art like the songs mother used to sing.” – Billy Sunday
- “Motherhood is a choice you make everyday to put someone else’s happiness and well-being ahead of your own.” – Donna Ball
- “To describe my mother would be to write about a hurricane in its perfect power.” – Maya Angelou
- “A mother’s love endures through all.” – Washington Irving
- “Becoming a mother makes you realize you can do almost anything one-handed.” – Unknown
- “A mother understands what a child does not say.” – Jewish Proverb
- “The best place to cry is on a mother’s arms.” – Jodi Picoult
- “The natural state of motherhood is unselfishness.” – Jessica Lange
- “Motherhood is the biggest gamble in the world. It is the glorious life force. It’s huge and scary—it’s an act of infinite optimism.” – Gilda Radner
- “Mother is a verb. It’s something you do. Not just who you are.” – Cheryl Lacey Donovan
- “Mothers can look through a child’s eyes and see tomorrow.” – Reed Markham
- “Moms are like buttons—they hold everything together.”
- “Mothers don’t sleep. They just worry with their eyes closed.”
- “My mother taught me everything, except how to live without her.”
- “A mom forgives us all our faults, not to mention one or two we don’t even have.” – Robert Brault
- “In the end, I am the only one who can give my children a happy mother who loves life.” – Janene Wolsey Baadsgaard
- “Mothers are the people who love us for no good reason. And those of us who are mothers know it’s the most exquisite love of all.” – Maggie Gallagher
- “The magic of a strong mom is that she can make an ordinary day feel like an adventure and a simple hug feel like a sanctuary.”
I hope you found these quotes as inspiring as I do!
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