Have you ever come across a quote that just speaks to your soul, or makes you feel like someone reached right into your body and took the words right out of your mouth? Whatever the case may be, relatable quotes have a way of making us feel understood and inspired. Today, I’m sharing some of my favorites that make me think “Yes! Exactly! This!” Keep reading to check them out!
Relatable Quotes That Will Make You Say “This!”
Relatable quotes, like the ones below, have a unique ability to make us feel understood, validated, and inspired. They capture complex emotions or experiences in just a few simple words, making us feel like someone else out there “gets it.” Check out the ones that are really resonating with me lately, and tell me if any of them make you say, “Same!” Aside from the first one, they’re not in any specific order. Enjoy!
1. You have to be odd to be number 1!
I thought this would be a great one to start with because it’s one of those “so true quotes” both literally and figuratively. After all, one IS an odd number. 😀
2. I have more conversations in my head and in real life.
Can anyone else relate to this? I’m notorious for doing this with text messages and emails, too. I think I replied to someone, only to find out a month later (when they usually confront me to ask if I’m mad at them) that I only replied in my head.
3. Only you can decide how to live your life.
If you live your life trying to please others, you’re not really living YOUR life at all.
4. Forget what others say about you. Just trust yourself.
People are always going to say what they want about you and write your story the way they want. Ignore them. YOU know who you are, and that’s really all that matters.
5. You’ll regret the things you didn’t do more than the things you’ve done.
I think we all regret some of the things we’ve done in our lives. At the end of our days, though, it’ll be the things that we didn’t do that will weigh on our souls. I’d rather live a life making mistakes and learning from them than look back and realize that I let fear keep me from doing the things I really wanted to do.
6. Fear wakes you up
This one goes along with the last one. The right kind of fear can also wake you up and make you feel more alive. So, rather than letting it hold you back and leave you with regrets later in life, embrace it!
7. Sometimes, we have to break to find our “glow”
The next time you feel like you’re broken in so many places that you don’t know how you’re still holding together, remember this relatable quote. A glow stick cannot glow until you break it.
8. Often, the quietest people have the most to say
Sometimes, silence really is golden, and it’s the people who speak the least who really have the most profound things to say. You just have to know how to listen.
9. Too often, the happiest people are crying on the inside
This is such a heartbreaking quote, especially because Robin Williams spent his whole life trying to bring joy to people just so they wouldn’t feel the sadness that he felt. I think it’s a good reminder to not assume that someone is doing okay just because you can’t see their tears.
10. Where’s my Oscar for acting like everything is okay?
I think we can all relate to bottling things up and pretending like everything is just fine. We’re all Oscar-worthy actors in that respect. I’m not so sure that’s something to be proud of, though. It’s really not healthy, to constantly hide our true feelings and bite our tongues.
11. Sometimes, you just have to walk away
Don’t ever feel like you have to stay in a toxic relationship just to “prove” something. Give yourself permission to give up on someone, not because you no longer care about them but because you deserve better than they’re giving you.
12. We need to be gentle with each other
I shared this one in my post about quotes that hit hard because they’re so true, but it’s worth mentioning again here. Nearly every person on this planet is dealing with some sort of trauma, and we could all stand to be a little kinder and gentler with each other.
13. Forgive people for YOU, not them
As I’ve said before, forgiveness is a gift that you give yourself. It doesn’t mean forgetting or accepting bad behavior. It just means that you’re letting go so you can move on. Besides, remember, the best revenge is to go on living your life.
14. Save your energy for people who deserve it
These days, I like to keep my circle small and save my energy for the people who really deserve it. Life is too short to spend it angry all of the time.
15. Enjoy solitude and you’ll never be defined by another person
I absolutely agree with Oscar Wilde! When you learn to like being alone, you learn how to define yourself by YOUR standards and not someone else’s.
16. Too many people enjoy ruining things for others
It’s really sad that this quote is so true. It seems like there are a lot of people out there who really just like hurting other people. I see it so often on social media especially. You don’t have to share every good moment. Keep some for yourself. On the flip side, though, never let someone else’s petty jealousy keep you from celebrating your wins.
17. Doing nothing is totally possible!
Okay, so this one is just a little dose of “funny but true” humor to break up all of these serious quotes. Hey, think of it like this: if nothing is impossible, then doing nothing is doing the impossible! 😀
18. Every tree starts life as a tiny seed
The next time you’re feeling down on yourself for not being where you want to be in life, remember this: even the mightiest oak started life as an itty-bitty seed.
19. No one is better than anyone else
Sometimes, you just need a different perspective to realize that no one is better than you, nor are you better than anyone else. Don’t judge people by what they have or don’t have. There are way more important things in life than material things.
20. Think for yourself
Yes, I’m aware of the irony of using a quote from someone else to tell you to think for yourself. Do as I say, not as I do. 😀 Kidding!
21. There’s no such thing as “normal.”
“Normal” is, and always has been, 100% subjective. Don’t ever let someone’s else’s version of it determine who YOU want to be!
22. Live a satisfied life
I saved this one for last. If it doesn’t make you say “this,” then maybe it’s time to re-evaluate your life. Aim for satisfaction and happiness. Forget what others say about success. Decide what it means to you and go after your dreams.
I hope that you enjoyed these relatable quotes as much as I do and that you found yourself agreeing with at least a few. If you love posts like this, check out 25 Good Morning Quotes to Start Your Day Off Right or 25 Inspirational Quotes to Help You Set & Reach Your Goals!
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